Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rushed by Recreation???

How can a person feel rushed on their off time? Well somehow I accomplished it. I currently have the new bloggy thing here,(fun) movies in the lineup, 2 video games going, a new music CD to listen too and my DVR is recording a mass of TV shows that I want to catch. Whew!! Makes me tired just thinking about it, I can't wait to get back to work in the morning so I don't have to worry about all this here recreating I gots to get going on.

Latest DVD I watched was 1408.

Amazingly I found this film to be quite good. All the reasoning's for the character to be doing what he was doing seemed sound and it was a little scary without relying on blood and gore. It even had a little twist at the end. It didn't have nudity, but you can't have everything I guess.

I should be going I have a book to read, while watching some of my TV shows, while petting my dog, while listening to music......

I think I may just take a nap.

Later all

1 comment:

Zoemonster said...

new layout?

anyhoo.. naps rock