Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Creation or just Destruction??

Do other people have impulsive urges to start home projects?? I have a small house. I mean tiny with a little tiny baby yard out back. Just large enough for my previous doggy (The Guardian on my page), but a tad small for my current dog.

Who knew such a cute puppy would quintuple her body mass? She is such a tub of lard, but she's my little tub of lard, yes she is. I think we spend too much time on the couch watching TV together. And you know what? After all these years when I send her to the kitchen to get food she has yet to return and bring me anything!! I mean really, is that polite after all I've done for her. er.. ummmm.......

I digress.

I can be going about a normal day just la la la laa.. then from out of left field I can just look at a wall and think "I bet I could knock that down and open up the room." Now before you start talking about home projects being good things you should be informed that I have no carpentry skills. I have ideas and can do the demo, but when it comes to the creation part I'm a novice. Now the good thing is my house is ummmmmm..... very economical..... yes economical is the word. Basically when I bought it the house payment was less than what I was currently paying rent. So in my mind when I move on from this place all I need to do is break even and I'm still golden.

The worst part of this temporary insanity is that on another project, when I put in the flooring in my living room, I made a discovery. When I pulled back the baseboard I could see what looked like a fireplace behind the drywall on one wall. Ever since then when the project urge strikes me I find myself staring at that wall with a hammer in my hand just staring... I'm sure if anyone could see me in those moments they would do a double take and slowly leave the room. I have accepted the fact that one day I will tear that wall down to see whats behind it. I just hope when that happens I don't find something creepy like in "Stir of Echoes" or wake some angry spirit that's gonna be pissed off that I started redecorating.

In my defense I have been sucessful doing some laminate flooring that looked pretty darn good when I was done. The down side was living for a week with everything from my living room in my kitchen, but again I remind you, single male, no proplem I order pizza and live in the rubble. It's all an interesting learing experience.

Now, where's my hammer?

I've got to go for now. Can you believe that people at work want me to do something? My god! Can't they see I'm on my blog page?



tiff said...

Can you check out the old appraisal layouts online? Maybe they'd give an indication if a fireplace was there at one point.

Is the a chimney poking out the roof at the right spot?

I just bought me a 100+ year old house, and think along the same lines, often with the hammer ath the ready. Then, I stop. :>

Ron said...

Everything checks out:
Chimney in right spot, Wall in really wide and the other side is brick. I know theres a chimney in there, but the question is what kind of condition is it in? I'm thinking really bad. Why else cover it up, but who knows? I must bide my time with hammer in hand and wait for the time to strike.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!