Monday, October 22, 2007

By the Way

Since this incarnation of a blog is still fairly new I figure I will clarify a few things to the unusual people that may read my chaotic musings.

First I would like to acknowledge the blogs I started reading that made me consider starting my own therapeutic rambling.

The list is as follows: (see the links on the right)
1. The West Virginia Surf Report
2. No Accent Yet
3. Tammie

I started getting hooked on thewvsr with Jeff and as I commented and read others comments I found some other sites I found humorous and enlightening. Then I created my split personality. I decided to separate myself into another incarnation to make this blog so that not everyone I know will be able to find it. Not that I care that much, but it's easier to ramble freely if you believe that most everyone you know won't read and judge you. It gives you some freedom. Now like with any plan there are some flaws. The first being a person at work who may connect one Ron from thewvsr comments to this new Ron that appeared on the comments section all of a sudden. Hmmmmm..... No big deal I think she would be fairly accepting of most things I'm likely to babble about. Plus it's sort of cool to have a SECRET IDENTITY.

OK, it's not that secret, but you get the idea. Anyway thanks to the above listed blogs for a little inspiration.

Peace out yo,


Anonymous said...

I found your blog after stalking over people's homepages on the WVSR comments box. I always appreciate a witty blog...

tiff said...

rock ON dude!

Anonymous said...

I'll link back at ya, brotha! Good luck with it.