Friday, October 19, 2007

Introducing Me

Hello World,

A little about me, since it is all about me here. I am a single white male, late 30's with thinning..... receding...... ummmm.... well, I guess you could say I don't have to get haircuts very often. I enjoy useless knowledge and most often combine that with useless movie quotes and sometimes useless music quotes. I have a weird sense of humor some would call it dark, sick and twisted, but not mean spirited. I like to be the devil's advocate just to argue the case no matter how wrong it is.

I love scary movies. Now let me clarify that just a bit. A scary movie that gives you goose bumps and cold chills is awesome for being good. A scary movie that is so bad you start rooting for the killer and laughing hysterically is good. A scary movie that has the same old machete wielding maniac chasing the same stupid teens is god awful. A scary movie with lots of female nudity and is god awful will still get a better review than one with no nudity (obviously, duh).

I am a cumputer gamer World of Warcraft, Bioshphere, D&D Online and others. I've tried to quit, but lack of a social life always drags me back to the computer and its hours of entertainment and easy access to naked women. Does that make me a bad person or just a single man?

Anyway enough for now,


1 comment:

The Sassy Orange said...

Love LOVE LOVE scary movies. What's your favorite?