Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hello World

I'm very new to blogging, so please bear with me on this. Wait a minute..... this blog is for me so if your reading this you'll just have to deal with it. Anyway I am here for no real reason, just to be sarcastic or vent or just ramble in general. Who knows how consistently I will post?? Not me. I'm just a vessel for abstract thoughts that are leaking out of my fingers and onto the web. I'll tell you one thing though, this will not take any time away from my one true Internet hobby of tracking down quality nudity. I mean really what other reason was the Internet invented for?? (long pause) See, you can't think of anything either. Anyway this is my initial post so I won't stay on long. I have so many things to play with (not what your thinking, thats later) and things to learn.


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