Monday, October 22, 2007

Another Movie

Welcome back,

I ran across a move last night. Does anyone remember "The Manitou" from 1978.

I remember as a child seeing this movie and being totally freaked out by it. Anyway I should have gone to bed to be rested and ready for work in the morning, but I just couldn't. I embraced the fact that most movies from my childhood, when seen as an adult, have totally ruined the mental image I treasured so much and I just sat on the couch.

The movie still rocked! Just in a different way. Not scary at all, but I was constantly amused throughout. Some famous actors I forgot about, totally implausible circumstances and really old technology. Oh and don't forget the special effects. :) I'm still smiling.

Summary: An ancient evil Indian shaman (feathers not dots) is growing like a tumor on some ladies neck. Each time a shaman reincarnates like this he gets stronger and this one is "Heap mighty strong white man" LOL. Anyway the ladies man tracks down an Indian medicine man to go to the hospital and fight the evil shaman off. Imagine a mixture of "The Exorcist" with "Star Wars". These shaman/medicine men could shoot laser like blasts from their hands and summon demons.

Some things I loved:

The Manitou must be contained within the circle of sand/magic dust that medicine man will place on the floor. Do not break it or it will be able to escape and wreak havoc. The medicine man then pours sand/magic dust on the floor in a U shape around the bed. He didn't even make a circle to connect the magic dust. If I was this all powerful shaman I would just walk to the wall and break through the drywall to the next room. I mean really they call it a magic circle because it's a circle. Otherwise they would call it a magic "U" and that doesn't make any sense.

I love and I mean totally loved that some people would accept something like this without a lot of fuss. I mean towards the end an orderly is sleeping in the room keeping an eye on the patient. When he is stripped of his skin by the evil shaman that summoned some skin removal demon while still enclosed in the tumor. Followed shortly by some weird birth as little evil shaman climbs from the tumor and falls to the floor. Now you have a little bloody mini-shaman sitting on the floor meditating to gather strength to break free. You would think people would be crapping their pants at this point. (I would) Nope they just send in another orderly to sit in the room with dead looking woman and bloody mini-shaman. This orderly is still so unimpressed with the events of the day he keeps drifting off to sleep. Must be one damn comfortable chair is all I have to say about that.

Totally still worth seeing!!

I started partway in and finished the movie around 12:30 in the morning. Not that late, but I need to get my beauty sleep.



Anonymous said...

I don't see you having any I thought I'd leave you one

tiff said...

shaman goiter? really?

I must see this movie.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.