Saturday, October 20, 2007

Feeling Introspective

Hey world, How ya doing?

Feeling sort of introspective today and thinking about religion. If your a fanatic or someone that going to start thumping a bible please just leave now cause I know I'm not going to please you.

My religion is one of my own choosing in that I believe what I believe and I would encourage others to believe what they believe. The main gist of my belief, and I will quote a Wiccan saying is basically if your not hurting anyone do what you like. Now don't read anything into that, I'm not Wiccan. I personally don't believe if I light a candle and jump up and down anything will happen other than a possible hot wax burn. I take what I find to make the most sense to me and make it my own. I mean really most of the 10 commandments are basically OK. Thou shalt not kill.... really sounds like a solid bit of advice, until you run across a pedophile then I say maybe it can be skipped. Thou shalt not covet?? I'm sorry, I'm in serious trouble with this one. I mean watch the guy with the supermodel wife drive by in his awesome car and I'm coveting away with both hands. (Don't ask I not sure how to covet with my hands, but sounded cool in my head.) You get my idea here I hope. My concept seems so obvious and easy that I don't understand others. I mean really does an all powerful God really care if I work on a Sunday?? I mean they say this is because God rested on the seventh day and if we don't we're implying that we are better than God, or something like that. But seriously it's a sliding scale here people if I created everything in the universe and take a break on the seventh day can it really be compared to someone working at Jiffy Lube all week and deciding that he can get overtime on Sunday???

I truly dislike evangelists. They pray on the weak (Pray get it...) for money or power. Holding up a bible that was made by man and claiming that every word in it is true. Anything created by man is flawed, I don't care if the best of intentions were used when writing it. Over time people will corrupt and change things they don't like and use it to control people less likely to think for themselves. Read the Bible fine, read the Koran, read the Kama Sutra (or just look at the pictures), but please just take the knowledge you gain and apply what makes sense to you to your life and discard the baggage that others have crammed in there to benefit them.

Now the difficult one, Is there a God? My answer is yes. Ask me to tell you a name, a sex, a race or a form and I will give you my answer of "I have no freakin idea.". God is free flowing thing that surrounds us all. The moment you put a definition on it you will be wrong. I do believe that people that claim God will work through them to help others is deranged or a con artist. I believe that God doesn't pick favorites. If you need help God is there. Will God help you by talking to your boss and getting you a raise.. ummm I tend to doubt it, but that doesn't mean that you weren't heard and who knows something may have changed that you were never aware of that might help you. Who knows?

Crap, I've been running on for way too long on this. Sorry. This is probably the first time I've tried to put in writing my take on religion. And really this is more for me than you anyway so tough. Now if you'll excuse me I must go pray for a naked supermodel with extremely low standards and a broken car to knock on my door to use the phone since for some reason her cell isn't working. Hello?? God?? Just this once throw "The Ron" a bone here. Please??!!! Crap! I hate my theory on the prayer thing.


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