Sunday, October 21, 2007

Movie disappointments and doggy presents

Hello again,

On a less serious than the other night I finally saw the Transformers Movie that is out on DVD.

Lets start out with I really wanted to like this movie I really did. It started out OK and the graphics were awesome throughout and had lots of action. The story however was so full of holes and totally unbelievable that it ended up ruining the movie. I mean I tried early on to just say to myself "Let it go it's a movie." and "Just enjoy the action." and even "If there's nudity somewhere in here it won't be an entire loss.".

Alas there was no nudity. :(

This movie could have been really good. My question is simply this. Does nobody with half a brain watch the movie or even read the script and say, "Guys this is sort of weak? Why don't you change it a tad to make some freaking sense?!". The movie went the way of my dreaded star wars prequel. A pod race that makes no sense in the movie other than to have a cool looking useless pod race. I mean really it would have been a fairly easy thing to come up with some minor changes in the script to make some of the gaping holes a little less obvious. I mean I was willing to overlook small stuff and I tried... I really, really tried.

Another movie based on childhood cartoons ruined for me. Why does Hollywood think that if it invests craploads of money into special effects it can cut the budget for the script?? Oh well this can go on my list of disappointments along with the Star Wars Prequels, Resident Evil 3 and Matrix 3. Have movie stories gotten worse or have I just become more critical?

On a totally different track my little puppy left me all sorts of presents about the house last night. yeah!!! How sweet of her. I can't even be mad at her she was not feeling well at all. I was trying to drift off to sleep when I hear in the distance the rythmic retching sound coming from the other room. Oh God! I jump up and run to try to get her to move her to tile or outside, but deep down I know when you hear the noise it's too late. I get in the room in time to see a huge pile Of slightly used dog food on my carpet. At this point a guy gene kicked in and I was like "Damn dog that is impressive" followed quickly by "Leave it alone!!". You can only eat it once is a house rule I really try to enforce. I get her outside to finish with anything that is still in the pipeline and heading up and try to clean things up without adding to the piles myself. I finally get things cleaned and check on my baby to see if she's feeling better. She looks at me like she's been on a rough sea and the boat is rocking back and forth repeatedly. I feel for her, but she's on some medication right now and I was warned it might uspset her stomach. Oh well what am I to do? She looks like the worst is over and I try to get back to sleep. Have you ever tried to sleep and felt like someone is staring at you? Yeah, me too. I open my eyes and my pup is sitting at the edge of the bed staring at me and just sort of licking her chops and making sounds like an old man chewing soup. I feel for her, but what can I do to help? I pet her and try to encourage her to hop up and crash with me, but she looks like I feel after eating a case of White Castles. I let her out and keep an eye on her and eventually we both crashed for the night. She seems OK today if anyone cares.



Blonde Goddess said...

Perhaps the puppy has a bought of the the flu? Dogs get it too apparently and it makes them as miserable as we are when we're sick.

I liked the movie Transformers, but it was mostly the parts I watched. I'm not one to sit and watch an entire movie uninterrupted.My husband and son had a great time watching it (especially my son who is 11)...
I think it's a movie that was geared more toward kids who played with transformers (tweens) and action movie addicts who don't care if the plot is good as long as there is a lot of action.
You have to admit, the special effects and action were pretty good.

Ron said...

Got to admit the action was great. I just have problems liking a movie when the plot has too many holes in it.

The Sassy Orange said...

Whoa, now, I actually liked Resident Evil 3. Maybe it's because RE2 sucked so much. But I did like it.