Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rushed by Recreation???

How can a person feel rushed on their off time? Well somehow I accomplished it. I currently have the new bloggy thing here,(fun) movies in the lineup, 2 video games going, a new music CD to listen too and my DVR is recording a mass of TV shows that I want to catch. Whew!! Makes me tired just thinking about it, I can't wait to get back to work in the morning so I don't have to worry about all this here recreating I gots to get going on.

Latest DVD I watched was 1408.

Amazingly I found this film to be quite good. All the reasoning's for the character to be doing what he was doing seemed sound and it was a little scary without relying on blood and gore. It even had a little twist at the end. It didn't have nudity, but you can't have everything I guess.

I should be going I have a book to read, while watching some of my TV shows, while petting my dog, while listening to music......

I think I may just take a nap.

Later all

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Creation or just Destruction??

Do other people have impulsive urges to start home projects?? I have a small house. I mean tiny with a little tiny baby yard out back. Just large enough for my previous doggy (The Guardian on my page), but a tad small for my current dog.

Who knew such a cute puppy would quintuple her body mass? She is such a tub of lard, but she's my little tub of lard, yes she is. I think we spend too much time on the couch watching TV together. And you know what? After all these years when I send her to the kitchen to get food she has yet to return and bring me anything!! I mean really, is that polite after all I've done for her. er.. ummmm.......

I digress.

I can be going about a normal day just la la la laa.. then from out of left field I can just look at a wall and think "I bet I could knock that down and open up the room." Now before you start talking about home projects being good things you should be informed that I have no carpentry skills. I have ideas and can do the demo, but when it comes to the creation part I'm a novice. Now the good thing is my house is ummmmmm..... very economical..... yes economical is the word. Basically when I bought it the house payment was less than what I was currently paying rent. So in my mind when I move on from this place all I need to do is break even and I'm still golden.

The worst part of this temporary insanity is that on another project, when I put in the flooring in my living room, I made a discovery. When I pulled back the baseboard I could see what looked like a fireplace behind the drywall on one wall. Ever since then when the project urge strikes me I find myself staring at that wall with a hammer in my hand just staring... I'm sure if anyone could see me in those moments they would do a double take and slowly leave the room. I have accepted the fact that one day I will tear that wall down to see whats behind it. I just hope when that happens I don't find something creepy like in "Stir of Echoes" or wake some angry spirit that's gonna be pissed off that I started redecorating.

In my defense I have been sucessful doing some laminate flooring that looked pretty darn good when I was done. The down side was living for a week with everything from my living room in my kitchen, but again I remind you, single male, no proplem I order pizza and live in the rubble. It's all an interesting learing experience.

Now, where's my hammer?

I've got to go for now. Can you believe that people at work want me to do something? My god! Can't they see I'm on my blog page?


Hand Reading

Tiff has some sort of palm reading computer questionnaire thingy on her site so....

Ummmm... Here it goes,

What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Flexible and broad minded, you can fit in to any situation. There's no telling where your life will take you.

Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible.

Your emotions tend to be relaxed and uncomplicated. You don't read too much into things.

Whew!!.... Thank god.
I thought for sure it would reveal something embarrassing like masturbation frequency or something like that.

Some days are harder than others

I am blessed with so many of life's little gifts like weak vision, hair loss and an impressive manly figure (large, tubby, big) :) And I try to be OK with most of my endearing qualities, but I've had one added to my list for the last year and I am finding it hard to embrace and accept.

I have been cursed with Diabetes or as I've heard it referred to "The Sugar".

I will wait for you to have a moment of silence for me..........

I think I've gotten through most of the my stages:

1. Denial
Got it covered I accept the fact.
2. Anger
Dammit, why me!!! Why me!!! OK covered
3. Bargaining
My doctor wouldn't accept any bribes to take it off my medical records so I failed here too.
4. Depression
OK, I think I'm here.

When I was originally diagnosed my blood sugar was so high I'm surprised small children weren't attacking me like vampires to get to my highly sweetened blood.

I panicked and for the next year I ate gravel. I seriously watched calories and sugar and fat % on the boxes exercised and even created a Microsoft Access database to track food consumption. I put my Blood sugar readings into an Excell spreadsheet and I might add that I got my blood sugar down to 120 mg/dl (normal) and lost about 80lbs.

Woo hoo!! Then I lost all ambition. Just one day gone. I really do feel better I know I was doing the right thing, clothes fitting better and all of that. All effort gone.

My blood sugar is back up a bit and I must say my doctor, while being supportive and advising to just get back on the wagon, has begun to look like he's ready to smack me upside the head. What can I say. The year I worked I skipped breakfast ate small lunches and for dinner had a lunch meat sandwich with 1 oz of low fat chips. I mean for a full year I did that. Did I have results? Yes, but I just can't go back to that. I still skip breakfast and keep lunch as small a possible, but dinner is more than a sammich and chips. Probably the thing hurting me the most is excercise. I mean I just have no motivation. If I had to chop wood to heat the house I would be able to do it. I often thought if I could get some really hot chick to come over in skimpy clothes and lure me out of the house she could make me take up jogging. Somehow that seems unlikely.

So here I am realizing I need to do something to get back on track, but drawing total blanks. I mean I love food. Food is like an addiction. I mean how many recovering drug addicts would even have a chance if to live their body needed a tiny dose of heroin or something like that. I bet they would totally lose control. It's easier to go cold turkey (mmmm.... cold turkey.... mmmmm) than to have to ration and control. The problem with that is if you totally stop eating you die.

Oh well I guess I'll just keep thinking on this dilemma.


Monday, October 22, 2007

By the Way

Since this incarnation of a blog is still fairly new I figure I will clarify a few things to the unusual people that may read my chaotic musings.

First I would like to acknowledge the blogs I started reading that made me consider starting my own therapeutic rambling.

The list is as follows: (see the links on the right)
1. The West Virginia Surf Report
2. No Accent Yet
3. Tammie

I started getting hooked on thewvsr with Jeff and as I commented and read others comments I found some other sites I found humorous and enlightening. Then I created my split personality. I decided to separate myself into another incarnation to make this blog so that not everyone I know will be able to find it. Not that I care that much, but it's easier to ramble freely if you believe that most everyone you know won't read and judge you. It gives you some freedom. Now like with any plan there are some flaws. The first being a person at work who may connect one Ron from thewvsr comments to this new Ron that appeared on the comments section all of a sudden. Hmmmmm..... No big deal I think she would be fairly accepting of most things I'm likely to babble about. Plus it's sort of cool to have a SECRET IDENTITY.

OK, it's not that secret, but you get the idea. Anyway thanks to the above listed blogs for a little inspiration.

Peace out yo,

Another Movie

Welcome back,

I ran across a move last night. Does anyone remember "The Manitou" from 1978.

I remember as a child seeing this movie and being totally freaked out by it. Anyway I should have gone to bed to be rested and ready for work in the morning, but I just couldn't. I embraced the fact that most movies from my childhood, when seen as an adult, have totally ruined the mental image I treasured so much and I just sat on the couch.

The movie still rocked! Just in a different way. Not scary at all, but I was constantly amused throughout. Some famous actors I forgot about, totally implausible circumstances and really old technology. Oh and don't forget the special effects. :) I'm still smiling.

Summary: An ancient evil Indian shaman (feathers not dots) is growing like a tumor on some ladies neck. Each time a shaman reincarnates like this he gets stronger and this one is "Heap mighty strong white man" LOL. Anyway the ladies man tracks down an Indian medicine man to go to the hospital and fight the evil shaman off. Imagine a mixture of "The Exorcist" with "Star Wars". These shaman/medicine men could shoot laser like blasts from their hands and summon demons.

Some things I loved:

The Manitou must be contained within the circle of sand/magic dust that medicine man will place on the floor. Do not break it or it will be able to escape and wreak havoc. The medicine man then pours sand/magic dust on the floor in a U shape around the bed. He didn't even make a circle to connect the magic dust. If I was this all powerful shaman I would just walk to the wall and break through the drywall to the next room. I mean really they call it a magic circle because it's a circle. Otherwise they would call it a magic "U" and that doesn't make any sense.

I love and I mean totally loved that some people would accept something like this without a lot of fuss. I mean towards the end an orderly is sleeping in the room keeping an eye on the patient. When he is stripped of his skin by the evil shaman that summoned some skin removal demon while still enclosed in the tumor. Followed shortly by some weird birth as little evil shaman climbs from the tumor and falls to the floor. Now you have a little bloody mini-shaman sitting on the floor meditating to gather strength to break free. You would think people would be crapping their pants at this point. (I would) Nope they just send in another orderly to sit in the room with dead looking woman and bloody mini-shaman. This orderly is still so unimpressed with the events of the day he keeps drifting off to sleep. Must be one damn comfortable chair is all I have to say about that.

Totally still worth seeing!!

I started partway in and finished the movie around 12:30 in the morning. Not that late, but I need to get my beauty sleep.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Movie disappointments and doggy presents

Hello again,

On a less serious than the other night I finally saw the Transformers Movie that is out on DVD.

Lets start out with I really wanted to like this movie I really did. It started out OK and the graphics were awesome throughout and had lots of action. The story however was so full of holes and totally unbelievable that it ended up ruining the movie. I mean I tried early on to just say to myself "Let it go it's a movie." and "Just enjoy the action." and even "If there's nudity somewhere in here it won't be an entire loss.".

Alas there was no nudity. :(

This movie could have been really good. My question is simply this. Does nobody with half a brain watch the movie or even read the script and say, "Guys this is sort of weak? Why don't you change it a tad to make some freaking sense?!". The movie went the way of my dreaded star wars prequel. A pod race that makes no sense in the movie other than to have a cool looking useless pod race. I mean really it would have been a fairly easy thing to come up with some minor changes in the script to make some of the gaping holes a little less obvious. I mean I was willing to overlook small stuff and I tried... I really, really tried.

Another movie based on childhood cartoons ruined for me. Why does Hollywood think that if it invests craploads of money into special effects it can cut the budget for the script?? Oh well this can go on my list of disappointments along with the Star Wars Prequels, Resident Evil 3 and Matrix 3. Have movie stories gotten worse or have I just become more critical?

On a totally different track my little puppy left me all sorts of presents about the house last night. yeah!!! How sweet of her. I can't even be mad at her she was not feeling well at all. I was trying to drift off to sleep when I hear in the distance the rythmic retching sound coming from the other room. Oh God! I jump up and run to try to get her to move her to tile or outside, but deep down I know when you hear the noise it's too late. I get in the room in time to see a huge pile Of slightly used dog food on my carpet. At this point a guy gene kicked in and I was like "Damn dog that is impressive" followed quickly by "Leave it alone!!". You can only eat it once is a house rule I really try to enforce. I get her outside to finish with anything that is still in the pipeline and heading up and try to clean things up without adding to the piles myself. I finally get things cleaned and check on my baby to see if she's feeling better. She looks at me like she's been on a rough sea and the boat is rocking back and forth repeatedly. I feel for her, but she's on some medication right now and I was warned it might uspset her stomach. Oh well what am I to do? She looks like the worst is over and I try to get back to sleep. Have you ever tried to sleep and felt like someone is staring at you? Yeah, me too. I open my eyes and my pup is sitting at the edge of the bed staring at me and just sort of licking her chops and making sounds like an old man chewing soup. I feel for her, but what can I do to help? I pet her and try to encourage her to hop up and crash with me, but she looks like I feel after eating a case of White Castles. I let her out and keep an eye on her and eventually we both crashed for the night. She seems OK today if anyone cares.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Feeling Introspective

Hey world, How ya doing?

Feeling sort of introspective today and thinking about religion. If your a fanatic or someone that going to start thumping a bible please just leave now cause I know I'm not going to please you.

My religion is one of my own choosing in that I believe what I believe and I would encourage others to believe what they believe. The main gist of my belief, and I will quote a Wiccan saying is basically if your not hurting anyone do what you like. Now don't read anything into that, I'm not Wiccan. I personally don't believe if I light a candle and jump up and down anything will happen other than a possible hot wax burn. I take what I find to make the most sense to me and make it my own. I mean really most of the 10 commandments are basically OK. Thou shalt not kill.... really sounds like a solid bit of advice, until you run across a pedophile then I say maybe it can be skipped. Thou shalt not covet?? I'm sorry, I'm in serious trouble with this one. I mean watch the guy with the supermodel wife drive by in his awesome car and I'm coveting away with both hands. (Don't ask I not sure how to covet with my hands, but sounded cool in my head.) You get my idea here I hope. My concept seems so obvious and easy that I don't understand others. I mean really does an all powerful God really care if I work on a Sunday?? I mean they say this is because God rested on the seventh day and if we don't we're implying that we are better than God, or something like that. But seriously it's a sliding scale here people if I created everything in the universe and take a break on the seventh day can it really be compared to someone working at Jiffy Lube all week and deciding that he can get overtime on Sunday???

I truly dislike evangelists. They pray on the weak (Pray get it...) for money or power. Holding up a bible that was made by man and claiming that every word in it is true. Anything created by man is flawed, I don't care if the best of intentions were used when writing it. Over time people will corrupt and change things they don't like and use it to control people less likely to think for themselves. Read the Bible fine, read the Koran, read the Kama Sutra (or just look at the pictures), but please just take the knowledge you gain and apply what makes sense to you to your life and discard the baggage that others have crammed in there to benefit them.

Now the difficult one, Is there a God? My answer is yes. Ask me to tell you a name, a sex, a race or a form and I will give you my answer of "I have no freakin idea.". God is free flowing thing that surrounds us all. The moment you put a definition on it you will be wrong. I do believe that people that claim God will work through them to help others is deranged or a con artist. I believe that God doesn't pick favorites. If you need help God is there. Will God help you by talking to your boss and getting you a raise.. ummm I tend to doubt it, but that doesn't mean that you weren't heard and who knows something may have changed that you were never aware of that might help you. Who knows?

Crap, I've been running on for way too long on this. Sorry. This is probably the first time I've tried to put in writing my take on religion. And really this is more for me than you anyway so tough. Now if you'll excuse me I must go pray for a naked supermodel with extremely low standards and a broken car to knock on my door to use the phone since for some reason her cell isn't working. Hello?? God?? Just this once throw "The Ron" a bone here. Please??!!! Crap! I hate my theory on the prayer thing.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Introducing Me

Hello World,

A little about me, since it is all about me here. I am a single white male, late 30's with thinning..... receding...... ummmm.... well, I guess you could say I don't have to get haircuts very often. I enjoy useless knowledge and most often combine that with useless movie quotes and sometimes useless music quotes. I have a weird sense of humor some would call it dark, sick and twisted, but not mean spirited. I like to be the devil's advocate just to argue the case no matter how wrong it is.

I love scary movies. Now let me clarify that just a bit. A scary movie that gives you goose bumps and cold chills is awesome for being good. A scary movie that is so bad you start rooting for the killer and laughing hysterically is good. A scary movie that has the same old machete wielding maniac chasing the same stupid teens is god awful. A scary movie with lots of female nudity and is god awful will still get a better review than one with no nudity (obviously, duh).

I am a cumputer gamer World of Warcraft, Bioshphere, D&D Online and others. I've tried to quit, but lack of a social life always drags me back to the computer and its hours of entertainment and easy access to naked women. Does that make me a bad person or just a single man?

Anyway enough for now,


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hello World

I'm very new to blogging, so please bear with me on this. Wait a minute..... this blog is for me so if your reading this you'll just have to deal with it. Anyway I am here for no real reason, just to be sarcastic or vent or just ramble in general. Who knows how consistently I will post?? Not me. I'm just a vessel for abstract thoughts that are leaking out of my fingers and onto the web. I'll tell you one thing though, this will not take any time away from my one true Internet hobby of tracking down quality nudity. I mean really what other reason was the Internet invented for?? (long pause) See, you can't think of anything either. Anyway this is my initial post so I won't stay on long. I have so many things to play with (not what your thinking, thats later) and things to learn.
